On the migration of energy
through its observed forms.

Bent space is a flawed Theory

The Truth About Springs

Atoms and such

SpaceTime is a rubbish idea

DraftScience vs Michael Young vs mv

The double slit

KE vs Mv ...gravity

The charge simulation

Short videos refuting the Silly Kinetic Energy formula 1/2vmv

I have some longer "argument" videos that go over some of these subjects in Greater detail. argument 1-6

KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 1 ...Conservation of momentum

[2] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 2 ...9.8m per/every 1 second

[3] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 3 ...rolling distance

[4] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 4 ...1m2v = 2m1v

[5] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 5 ...denting Clay

[6] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 6 space

[7] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 7 ...the lever

[8] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 8 ...Gears

[9] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 9 ...negative momentum?

[10] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 10 ...Weight is Energy

[11] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 11 works

[12] KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 12 ...ball baring bounce

KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 13 ...Weight is momentum

KE 1/2vmv is a Free Energy "Nut" theory ...vol 14 ...1+1=2 not 4

The mctoon debate
Unfortunately he would not address any of my arguments and then went on to claim that the kinetic energy Theory 1/2vmv does not overtly state that five-times the velocity produces 25 times the energy or require 25 times the fuel.

The After birth Show

An experiment with μ-mesons 1962 1

Science is too often bullshot ... An experiment with μ-mesons 1962

Massachusetts Institute of Technology video

The 2+2+2 physics Simulation 1

[1]The 2+2+2 physics Simulation ..vol 1

Interesting Subjects "science" Ignores 1

[1] Interesting Subjects "science" Ignores ..vol 1 ...weight

[2] Interesting Subjects "science" Ignores ..vol 2 ...speed of Force

[3] Interesting Subjects "science" Ignores ..vol 3 .....Electricity

[4] Interesting Subjects "science" Ignores ..vol 4 vs. 1\2vmv

Debating the Silly Kinetic Energy formula 1/2vmv 1

DebatePhysics vs 1/2vmv Kinetic Energy [12/14/21]

DebatePhysics vs 1/2vmv and some 3ed law [12/15/21]

The Naked Science Forum... No science just thought policing fascism [1/5/22]

DraftScience and Toady ...conversation #1 vs KE

DraftScience and Toady ...conversation #2 vs KE

MV Momentum vs. 1/2VMV Kinetic Energy

DraftScience and Toady ...conversation #3 vs KE

DraftPhysics vs Physics Girl's free energy physics [3/28/22]

overview regarding the KE arguments [4/9/22]

The Proof Against Kinetic Energy 1/2VmV [10/25/22]

re: I'll debate you [12/16/22]

The Kinetic Energy Formula is WRONG - DraftScience was right

Overview of the arguments

The KE Debate [1/31/23]

MV vs KE ...summation [2/16/23]

DS vs. Parth G ...Energy? Core Physics Principle

1/2vmv=E and mgh=E are Wrong [3/22/23]

Do you have a Brain to think with? mv vs 1/2vmv

Live ... 5-22-23 Listing some of the actual arguments

DraftScience vs the living force and Ian Gostling

DraftScience vs Leksa ...Newton, springs and momentum

DraftScience Lever/Catipult Experiment vol. 8

Debating The 2 Slit Experiment 1

debate subject: The 2 Slit [12/17/22]

Coherence & Light Part1: Temporal Coherence

DraftScience vs Huygens Optics ...waves into particles?

Huygens Optics ...Weak Waves of Integrity

New video: The 2 Slit ... Diffraction and Interference?? [2/13/23]

Live ... 5-23-23 the actual arguments re. the 2 slit

The correct double slit analysis

Entanglement 1

Live ... Aharanov-Bohm effect and more ..

re: minutephysics, 3Blue1Brown ...Bell's Theorem

Relativity Arguments 1

Absolute can just look Relative [3/4/23]

Debating Light Bent by Gravity 1

debate subject: Bent Light [12/19/22]

mgh vs mgt 1

The Spring Paradox ...mgt not mgh [4/17/23]

Day3 : Gravity is a Time dependent Force

2+2+2 Physics 1

Live ... 4-21-23 ...2+2+2 Physics (overview)

Debating The Veritasium assertion that the power of electricity does not travel through the wire. 1

Veritasium: The Big Misconception About Electricity

AlphaPhoenix: I bought 1000 meters of wire to settle a physics debate.

ElectroBOOM: How Wrong Is VERITASIUM? A Lamp and Power Line Story

bigclivedotcom: Some thoughts about Veritasium's electricity theory.

DebatePhysics vs Veratasiums word Games +- [12/13/21]

How Electricity Actually Works

Veritasium is so full of... whooy funny comb-over

How Electricity Actually Works - Did Veritasium Get it Right This Time - RSD Academy

re: How Electricity Actually Works - Did Veritasium Get it Right This Time - RSD Academy

Veritasium Electricity explained

RE: Preston Becker ...Veritasium Electricity explained ...part 1

[2] RE: Preston Becker ...Veritasium Electricity explained ...part 2 [5/14/22]

How Right IS Veritasium?! Don't Electrons Push Each Other??

DraftScience vs Veritasium and ElectroBOOM [6/18/22]

re: Steve Mould and his Moldy Physics ...electricity

Good Videos On more than one Subject 1

re: comments ...Light matter motion [3/2/23]

Live ... 5-2-23 Force = Momentum ...The Laws of Physics

DebatePhysics vs The Too Stupid Conspiracy [12/10/21]

| mp4 saveAs link | webm saveAs link | mp3 audio link

DebatePhysics vs Off Subject Trolls [12/09/21]

[part 2] SciManDan the Disgusting Coward [12/07/21]

debatephysics vs SciManDan the Disgusting Coward [12/06/21]

A response video:

Huygens Optics
What can I say... I feel honored that a great mind like yours takes the time to discuss my humble video containing questionable content. All those things that I never realized, merged in a concise and to the point video report. .I guess there is no need for me to make another response video to this brilliant response video because there is no way I could ever win the argument. Besides, your video speaks for itself.

Clearly you're the one pretending your "science" is above critique. My video merely points out the difference in our understanding of what the experimental evidence demonstrates. I would love for you to show a single sentence of my video to be an incorrect statement. Part of a scientist job is to be tested. Instead of taking my test in the fair manner I presented it, you are just running away with a cheap accusation that I haven't constructed a worthy test. How about just quoting one sentence where I did an injustice to the facts.

Huygens Optics
Yes correct, that about sums it up.

I am willing to pay you to watch the video and point out any sentence I spoke that deserves classification as irrelevant or inappropriate. How much would you charge to fairly critique my critique? As opposed to just providing this rude unevidenced dismissal.

Huygens Optics
I'm not sure why you would want me to do this. We just have different views and different ways to express that view. Personally, I'm fine with that.

I think the truth matters, I think what people believe matters. To be blunt, I think you and the other science presenters are deceiving people with what is little more than a poorly evidenced religion and I'm not "fine with that" and I'm going to do what I have to to correct it. All I'm asking from you is a fair amount of accountability. Effectively you're selling a product, I claim to have evidence it's a lemon... You should be willing to defend yourself against that claim especially if I'm willing to pay you to do it.

Huygens Optics
Sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with our product. My nephew works at customer service, he might be able to arrange a refund:

So you can't be bothered to address criticism even if you're offered Fair payment to do so. With Defenders of science like you, who needs religion.


You call me a disgusting coward, yet you sit there and insult me continually for 2 minutes. Hypocrisy personified!

You call me a disgusting coward Yes, and especially in this case. You're attacking a video that isn't being apparently publicly published by the person you're attacking... No evidence the video was persuading or fooling anyone. No fire of stupidity for you to put out... Just a rather pitiful nutcase for you to beat up. , yet you sit there and insult me continually for 2 minutes. LOL two whole Giant minutes... Clearly the substance of the video clearly illustrates the duplicity of you debunking types. There is bad logic and bad science woven through a substantial part of conventional populist physics... Yet because it is your religion you impose no fair scrutiny. Look up the history of the kinetic energy formula the "science" couldn't be more ridiculous. Hypocrisy personified! The accusation is cowardice... I'm offering $2,000 for the opportunity to your prove to your audience that the crap you're spewing and defending isn't any better than the crap you're attacking. I've been offering real money for years and none of your cowering kind has taken up the challenge.

Are there more than three dimensions?
Is time a dimension?

Can anything travel faster than the speed of force?

Is there any real pull in the universe?

Is there any substance besides bits of force and bits of matter?

Isn't weight just mass in motion?
Isn't mass moving just momentum?
Doesn't Force just equal momentum?
Isn't energy just momentum or amount of force or an amount of weight?

Are there any other physical particles of matter besides electrons and protons?

Are photons Bent by gravity?
Are photons bent twice as much as regular matter by gravity?

Is there an electric field?
Is there a magnetic field?
Do charges create fields?

Does cosmic redshift prove space is expanding?

Is the timing of atomic decay invariable?
Is it reasonable to assume it is a unbreakable clock?

Is light a wave or a particle?

Is the small Universe the only universe?

Is space something or nothing?

Does twice the speed mean four times the energy?

Does force = pressure = weight = momentum = energy = work?