DraftScience vs Wikipedia [first short] [2/23/22]

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Physics Says: Energy [2/26/22]

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Physics Says: Lots of Energy can Be Destroyed

Physics Says: You must always fall through thin ice

Physics Says: Defending physics will make you stupid

Physics Says: people Bowling are doing it wrong

DraftScience vs The silly science of physics

Physics Says: FREE Momentum IS a Thing

Physics need the test of more Debate

You can draw and simulate Real Physics

Without testing science is just religion #energy #weight #momentum

Science says twice the weight 4 times the energy

Physicists don't do the truth very well

[2] Physicists don't do the truth very well

Science says Energy can be destroyed

Science says: The same weight isn't the same energy

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DraftScience vs Your hypocrisy and duplicity
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The Naked Science Forum Transcript

At some point in the early 1900s the science of physics committed itself to a confused dualism model of reality where things could be more than one thing. The controversy of wave vs particle became the compromise of particles waving and with that physics waved goodbye to a rationally comprehensible model\description of material reality.

I contend that the particle theory of reality was correct, and that the science of physics needs to return to the post Newton, pre Einstein, knowledgebase and reexamine particle based models of the universe's function.

It Is Proposed That:

The universe is in substance just made of one thing, let's call them "Force Bits", that are always moving the speed of light/force and come in two types "Electron Force" and "Proton Force". These "Force Bits" fill space, and are contained/trapped in matter, and are in essence all there is, and all that is. When trapped inside electrons, protons and neutrons they give matter its property's. When they arrive at a precise time interval we call them Light (photons, electromagnetic radiation). When filtered for Type by a magnetic material they are called Magnetism. When passing atom to atom in a conductor they are called Electricity. When accelerating planets into suns they are called Gravity. When pushing electrons, protons and neutrons together, and apart, they are the strong and week nuclear Forces.